Volleyball Jump Training

Being able to jump higher is highly prized by many volleyball players. This is due to the defensive and offensive weapons it normally adds to a player’s arsenal. Volleyball jumping training is handy when it comes to defending against an opposition’s spike or spiking the ball. Some athletes are gifted with a superior vertical leap. However, others – the majority ones, need to build like any other skill. By just taking part in simple techniques and exercises, you can surely be able to build up to better vertical leaps.

There are very many ways one can use to train to jump high for volleyball. Although some exercises may be effective, others are not. Jumping is one of the skills that can be developed by anyone. Once you develop this skill, it is easy to maintain it for the rest of your life. The reason why it is important to do volleyball jump training is to increase the ability of spiking the ball when jumping. When you jump higher, you’ll spike the ball faster or harder. As well, the ability to jump high increases the blocking space when someone is trying to spike the ball against your team.

Here’s exactly what you need to do in order to improve your vertical jumping for volleyball:

Steps for volleyball jump training

Test your ability to jump

You need to stand adjacent to an outside wall. As you do that, have a piece of chalk on your hand. Try to jump as high as you can, and use the chalk to mark your highest jump point. Using a tape measure, establish the exact height of your jump. Re-test yourself to learn your progress after every two weeks.

With resistance training, build lower body strength

Employ skills such as squats, deadlift and leg press that imitates lower body jumping motion. An effective way of improving your strength is by training moderately with heavy weights. Choose weights, which allow you to not do more than 10 repetitions per set. Don’t do anything that’s less than five reps. You should do resistance training for the lower body once every week.

Employ depth jumps to train explosively

For this step, you can begin by standing on a bench or one-to two-foot platform. Hop down from any of the platform by landing with both your feet at once. As you do that, squat down and reverse direction to a jump quickly. Utilize the momentum that you gained hopping down from your platform in order to propel yourself up as high as possible. The best attribute about depth jumps is the fact that they usually teach the muscles to contract faster. Use caution when jumping down so as not to hurt yourself.

Generate more force by using your arms

As you squat before jumping, you should throw down your arms by force. As you reverse direction, ensure you swing your arms back up quickly. After reaching the highest point of the jump, your hands should be in an ideal position to block spikes.

Employ the 3-step vertical jump to improve your serve

Draw a line on the ground or floor to mimic lines on the court. Begin from roughly 15 feet from your line. Take 3 steps towards the line. Take off from both your feet as you jump as high as you can. Swinging your arm should help you achieve higher jumps. Ensure you don’t cross the line prior to jumping. The last thing you want is to violate the rules of the game.

Exercises that will help you improve your vertical jumping for volleyball  

Box Jumps  

For this kind of exercise, you should stand in front of a stable platform that’s roughly your knee height. It can be a bleacher, bench, or box. Jump on and off onto the platform with both your feet. You need to practice box jumps for 30 seconds. As your performance improves, increase the height of your platform.

1-2-3 jumps

The best place to practice these jumps is on the outdoors. Alternatively, you can do them inside a room with a vast running area. Take two large running or walking steps. Next, jump as high as you can while you undertake the third step. Walk back and repeat. After you repeat the exercise 6-7 times on one foot, you should start it again on the opposite foot.

Shock jumps

Shock jumps are almost similar to depth jumps. You need to stand on a platform and jump off. However, with shock jumps, you should ‘stick’ your landing similar to a gymnast. Jump off the box and then land on the balls of your feet. As you do that, make sure you don’t move after you land. Undertake the exercise 6-7 times.

Standing broad jumps

This Olympic exercise also goes by the name long jump. Athletes jump from one squatting position and into a sand pit. The good thing is that you can undertake this exercise on any surface as long as it’s flat. Measure your results every week in order to mark improvement. Repeat the exercise roughly 6 times.

Youtube video of standing broad jump

Split squat jumps

With the split squat jumps, you should begin in a deep lunge. Forcefully jump as high as you can while you switch your legs in the air. You should practice 6 times with every leg.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MhElJ779AU Here is a video of split squat jumps.


Different techniques can work if you want to jump higher. You must undertake an effective training regimen that includes both broad and vertical jumps. The main objective should be increase your jumping height by a couple of inches. While training, you must fix your mechanics. Mechanics include things such as arm swing, approach speed, as well as coordination of your feet. By doing that, you’ll definitely witness improvements the next time you’re in a volleyball court.

Undoubtedly, higher jumps are helpful in volleyball. They allow shorter players to play a pivotal role in serving, attacking and blocking their opponents. After carefully passing through the above information, there’s no doubt that, you’ll be able to optimize your vertical leap. You should incorporate the techniques and exercises highlighted herein in your volleyball jump training in order to enjoy higher jumps at a volleyball court.

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